Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Always bet against Cramer

It looks betting against Cramer worked well for me again.

I've been holding GLD and SLV (8% of my portfolio each) in my IRA for about 10 months now. My broker kept asking me why I was holding it. Mostly the cost of the war and knowing that inflation is coming when you print $500 billion new bills to fund a war. The other night I saw Cramer ranting about how good Gold and Silver were and i decided that it was time to pull out since I already made 30-50% gains. So I switched to FNM (6%), FMC (6%) and a small bit of TGIC (2%).

Here are the I numbers bought and sold at.

GLD sold at 99.02 and 95.82

SLV sold at 194.88

FNM bought at 21.87 and 26.35

FMC bought at 20.95 and 24.49

TGIC at 5.30 so I'm down a little on that one, but I don't own much.

On a short term basis (3 days) it looks like it was a good move. I still think GLD and SLV are good investments, I just don't like stuff that goes up that sharply and I tend to like to sell it. I'm not sure how long I'll hold FNM and FMC as they still make me nervous. Mostly because I don't follow the industry close enough. Tech stocks I feel more comfortable with since I'm in the industry.

A good week since my account is past the January 1 value again and was down over 10% at one point. As I've said, I'm an aggressive investor seeing how wildly my account swings from month to month, but I'm diversified in other ways. I'll just leave that as a warning, don't follow me, I'm lost too!

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